Monday, 2 May 2011

Dwele @ Jazz Cafe 11/4/2011

As you know, I can't stay in my house every week! I need to find places to go! So after numerous BBM broadcast messages, I found myself at the last night of Dwele's European Tour! Yay me!

To be honest, i'm not a Dwele enthusiast, as I think all of his ishk sounds very similar and almost monotonous, but he did rock the crowd!
I didn't arrive early enough to catch the opening act, because, well... I couldn't be bothered! I got there just in time to catch the Grammy nominated star hit the stage... in the same outfit he wore the show promotion material! Haha!
I don't think he cared though, as he strutted through the crowd and onto the stage to Kayne West's Power.
After his second entrance, as he was not impressed with his first reception, he made sure that he conversed with the crowd, asked them their name, serenaded a lil'!

Admittedly, as good as he was, I was disappointed that he didn't perform Travellin' Girl or Weekend Love, because, to me, they were turning points in his career. Nonetheless, I was enthused by the energy that he and his band acquired throughout the show. His key player has to be the most eccentric, dread wearing and excitable keyboard player I have ever experienced in my 5 years of music journalism! I am so sure than if that keyboard was not attached to the stand, he would have been doing backflips and playing upside down. I'm sure I got a whiff of dread in my eye, and I was by the back, no need for HD!

He rocked the mic with favourites, I Think I Love You, Cheating and Find a Way. But also reminded us of what brought us to the venue in the first place. Namely in the acoustic arrangements in my personal favourite Open Your Eyes (original by Bobby Cadwell, and also used for the hook in Common's The Light), and his tributes to Frankie Beverly and the late Nate Dogg.

He also performed tracks from his current album W.ANTS. W.ORLD. W.OMEN (W.W.W). Namely his album consisting of his alter ego his world documenting and his love for Women, because we can't forget that "baby making, bubble bath and audio hallmark card type of music."

Now, you know me - I can't not get my piece in! In closing the show, he swooned through the audience, serenading the ladies. Naturally, he came in my path, and I managed to give Dwele a little dance while he performed What's Not To Love.

It wasn't as bad as the Chris Brown Fiasco in 2008, but let's not go there!


  1. David, not Anthony2 May 2011 at 21:50

    Trust Simone to get herself in there with Dwele - you can't help youself!

    Honest and enjoyable read! Good job!

  2. Good, honest appraisal Simone, I've always thought Dwele is an acquired taste, and doesn't always cross other here in the UK. Like any artist i like some tracks more than others. it's his Jazz elements that draws me to him personally. I think the mission on this trip was to do the 2 albums Sketches and WWW as those had not been gigged live here. I enjoyed these gigs - good to hear your views on them too :)
